basically a basic countdown numbers solver. Only difference being, it can use decimals while calculating. It does not get 0 away often but can get pretty close. It uses 3 number, 2 operation sums but can do 2 number 1 operation sums. It basically picks random sums and will return the top few. To use, set generations (the number of random sums), target, any amount of any numbers and the top/best  x  you want to display. Hit go and read the solutions box. Depending on how good the device is, you can do 100 generations up to 1000000! The more generations the more accurate. I have tested it with real countdown (and random) targets and numbers and usually depending on how hard, between 1 and 800 away. 800 being worst case scenario (like 6 1-digit numbers to make 999). The average is about 2 away. Enjoy.

Made withGodot
Tags2D, Godot, Singleplayer

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