
For those who have never played one of my games before, I am a kid (not a teen, a kid) game developer who uses the Godot game engine and Aseprite or pixieditor to create mainly 2d pixel art games. I have been coding since I was 5 and have continued to do so to this day. My passions are programming and writing.

Developing this game was a rollercoaster.

Day 1: I got little to nothing done. I ended the day with a half-working level generator. Half working in a sense of maps that would be possible if I ignored the game mechanic; don't move in the same direction twice.

Day 2: I wrote a mini bug report and my dad and I figured out the issues and I made some art.

Day 3: I finished up the procedural generation code and implemented some art.

Day 4: I created levels 1, 3 and 5 and made some transitions

Day 5: I created levels 2 and 4 and a main menu

Day 6: getting family to playtest and uploading it to itch.

Upon starting this, I had only made one other attempt at procedural generation and that was a platformer. 

My generation code consists of 4 main functions. One takes in a number of steps and then generates random directions (obeying the rule), the next turns the directions into vector positions, the next draws the starting game board using a tilemap and the set_cell(vec_pos) function, the final colours in the necessary tiles because of player position.

My player uses standard move_and_slide(motion) movement that is fine tuned to be a grid square. If we move more than half a tile, we count it as a movement, document said movement in an array that controls the arrow display on the side and stay in our new position, else we ignore it and move back to where we were before the movement. The calculation is tile size * 60. I don't know why but it is always the perfect movement.

I am so relieved to have this beta to share with everyone and I look forward to refining this game and its procedural level for the future.


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Jan 01, 2023 14 MB
Jan 01, 2023

Get Double Means Trouble!

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